wget https://downloads-packages.s3.amazonaws.com/centos-6.5/gitlab-7.0.0_omnibus-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
sudo yum install openssh-server
sudo yum install postfix # Select 'Internet Site', using sendmail or exim is also OK
sudo rpm -i gitlab-7.0.0_omnibus-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
Edit the configuration file to add your hostname
sudo yum install openssh-server
sudo yum install postfix # Select 'Internet Site', using sendmail or exim is also OK
sudo rpm -i gitlab-7.0.0_omnibus-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
Edit the configuration file to add your hostname
sudo edit /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
Install and start GitLab
Install and start GitLab
sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
sudo lokkit -s http -s ssh
sudo lokkit -s http -s ssh
Browse to the hostname and login
Username: root
Password: 5iveL!fe